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6 Places to Buy Pre-installed Linux Computers


Gone are the days when the only source of linux distribution was the web. There were always very few small-scale distributors who would sell pre-installed linux desktop system, but the choices were few and the hardware options were very limited. Thanks to Dell, preinstalled desktop linux market is now mainstream. Today, we will look at some of the popular distributors/resellers, who are selling pre-installed linux systems for home users (not servers).

1) Dell: Dell is currently selling four laptop systems starting from $549 to $1049; the only linux desktop system available starts at $448. All these system are pre-installed with Ubuntu 8.04. here:


2) system76: They are Mark Shuttleworth’s personal favorite Linux pre-installed reseller. Like Dell they only sell pre-installed Ubuntu Linux. But they have a wider choice in systems and hardware configurations. Their cheapest laptop starts at $869. More information here.

3) The Linux Laptop Company: As the name suggests they are specialized in selling pre-installed linux laptops; like the previous two vendors their distro of choice is Ubuntu 8.04. They currently sell four models of laptops and the price starts at $699 to all the way up to $1299. More information here.

4) ASUS EeePC: Based on Xandros Linux Asus EeePC is perhaps the most widely used pre-installed linux subnotebook ever sold. There are several resellers for ASUS EeePC, but my favorite is newegg; where the listed price for 1000H 40G is $669. You can get more information about the system here.

5) Linux Emporium: Based on UK, they are Thinkpad resellers with three choices of Linux distro. Their systems can be configured for Ubuntu, Suse or Fedora. Prices start at £376. Get more informationhere.

6) Linux Certified: They sell a wide variety of laptops with six choices of pre-installed Linux Distros. Fedora 8, Ubuntu 8.04, open SUSE 11, RHEL 5, CenOS 5, Oracle Linux. Their LC2000 series laptops start $699. here.

A special mention goes to Walmart’s Gpc listed at $130. Not a very powerful system, but GOS linux distro is interesting nonetheless. If you have any experience with any pre-installed linux resellers, feel free to share your experience with us and let us know if we forgot to mention any notable resellers out there.

Posted 2011年12月30日 by gw8310 in laptop, linux

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